
Avstar Finance launches new helicopter blog

Avstar Finance launches new helicopter blog

1-Aug-2012Source: Avstar Finance

Avstar Finance, an affiliate of Avstar Media, is pleased to announce the publishing of a new blog focused on our helicopter industry – Rotor Noise: A HELICOPTER BLOGTM. Chuck McGuire, Avstar Finance’s managing director, is the blog’s author. The blog will feature thoughts and comments on a variety of subjects – some tongue-in-cheek – and... Read more

UK: Devon & Cornwall Police launch operations blog

UK: Devon & Cornwall Police launch operations blog


As police forces aim to be come more accountable to the residents of the area they serve, a number of those operating helicopters have launched a page on their website to list the tasks they fly – usually as a way of minimising noise complaints.  These usually take the form of a table listing date,... Read more

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