ITP signs three year contract to maintain Spanish Guardia Civil engines

ITP signs three year contract to maintain Spanish Guardia Civil engines

7-Jan-2016Source: ITP

ITP has signed a contract with the Civil Guard to provide maintenance services, supply spare parts and provide technical assistance for the Civil Guard Air Service’s aircraft engines. Valued at about 9 million euros, the contract, which will function under a PbH (Power-by-the-Hour) technical support scheme, will have a term of 3 years from its... Read more

Aeromaritime participates with PW206/PW207 overhauls in US

Aeromaritime participates with PW206/PW207 overhauls in US

8-Feb-2012Source: Aeromaritime

Aeromaritime America/ITP In Support Services is proud to announce our participation with Pratt & Whitney 200 Series engine repair and overhauls in the U.S. ITP in Support Services has been a Designated Overhaul Facility (DOF) for the PW200 Series engines at its Albacete, Spain facility since 2004. Now with its acquisition of AEROMARITIME AMERICA INC... Read more

ITP opens new engine maintenance centre in Albacete

ITP opens new engine maintenance centre in Albacete

26-Oct-2009Source: ITP

ITH, the new ITP maintenance centre in Albacete, encompasses all the Group’s activities relating to the maintenance and assembly of helicopter engines. It has meant an initial investment of 15 million euros, including land acquisition, civil work and special teams for turbo-shaft maintenance.... Read more

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