Papillon launches Grand Canyon tip site at

Papillon launches Grand Canyon tip site at

3-Feb-2011 Source:

The Grand Canyon is one of the world’s most breathtaking natural wonders and is a must-see vacation destination. Papillon selected LifeTips for content development services as part of a national effort to educate millions of readers on touring the Grand Canyon by land or air. Papillon is now the exclusive sponsor of the Grand Canyon tip site in the LifeTips network.

“The Grand Canyon is one of America’s most treasured sites, and one of the most visited areas in the nation”, said Byron White, president of “Our Grand Canyon tips will offer tourists suggestions on everything from hotels and lodging to sunset helicopter and airplane rides over the Grand Canyon.”

Sample Grand Canyon Tip:

Combined Helicopter and Rafting Tours

“Several Grand Canyon helicopter operators offer tours combining different views of the Grand Canyon. Tourists can take a helicopter flight over the canyon, and then fly to Page, Arizona, where they catch a river raft for a smooth-water tour through the upper section of section of the Grand Canyon.

After the smooth-water trip, they board busses at Lee’s Ferry for the return trip to the Grand Canyon. Other tours fly to Grand Canyon West, where a helicopter picks them up, drops them at the bottom of the canyon for a river tour, and then picks them up when the tour is over. These tours take the better part of a day, and you need to make advance reservations in most cases.”

Read more great Grand Canyon Tips at

About Papillon

Founded in 1965, Papillon is the largest and most experienced helicopter sightseeing company in the world. Papillon is the only helicopter company certified to fly both the South and West Rim of the Grand Canyon with three exclusive landing sites at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Papillon continues its commitment to provide customers the most value and service for their Las Vegas and Grand Canyon experience.


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