DCI trains Royal Saudi Naval Forces Panther SAR crews

DCI trains Royal Saudi Naval Forces Panther SAR crews

25-Feb-2011 Source: DCI

The Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF) has entrusted  DCI-NAVFCO, the naval branch of DCI group, with the training of its flight crews for the use of the helicopters PANTHER N3 Search and Rescue. This training takes place in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) and in Toulon (France).

DCI-NAVFCO has sent 6 instructors and provided operational means in order to train three batches of 6 Pilots each, and two batches of 6 Hoist Operators and 6 Rescue Swimmers.

The program covers theoretical and practical aspects that will bring the trainees from the aircraft system familiarization to a night SAR missions’ qualification.

A fourth batch will consist of Functional Check Flight training.

« Search and Rescue missions are an essential subject for the marine of the whole world. These missions require an important experience which the French Navy acquired in particular during missions in the Atlantic Ocean in difficult weather conditions. DCI ispleased and proud to work with the Royal Saudi Naval Forces and help them in this complete training programme”, said Admiral François DUPONT, Executive Vice President of DCI-NAVFCO. “This training, representing a consequent time scale, will reinforce our link with the RSNF. »

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