06-Jul-13 F-HBEA Guimbal G2 Cabri Fleurac, France

HeliHub.com have been given the following statement on 10 July by the manufacturer:-

“We at Helicopteres Guimbal are of course much worried that a recent accident involved a Cabri. We are even more frustrated to learn the distorted reports that appeared in the press. The following is what we know from our point and from the pilot and owner who called us immediately after the accident :

The owner, a 66 year private pilot was on a pleasure flight with a friend, a fixed-wing private pilot. The helicopter had been inspected and fitted with the newly developed Vibration Attenuation Pendulums the week before at the factory and was reported “incredibly smooth” by the owner calling us just before the accident. It was in an absolutely perfect condition.

In cruise flight, they heard some noise that they found was caused by the baggage door, left open, flapping in the airstream.  The pilot decided to land immediately in a field in front of him. In short finals with no anticipation, he was disoriented by the bright sunlight and an obstacle, and made a very hard landing with no yawing motion and moderate forward speed. The helicopter bounced significantly and hit the ground again on the left side. The two occupants got out with minor injury and are back home after examination.

The helicopter sustained significant damage, although early examination suggests it will be repaired for a fraction of its original cost. The occupant called to thank us because the cabin and seats offered an excellent protection, and with a full load of fuel, there was absolutely no spillage. The pilot, who owned different helicopters in the last 20 years, reported that he still considers the Cabri the easiest and safest helicopter to fly.

The Cabri G2 is the only light helicopter in the world, certified according to the highest requirements in crash protection, passengers and fuel circuit. The cabin and seats are tested to a 2000 ft/min vertical velocity, oblique crash, while the fuel tank, circuit and environment are tested to a 50 ft free fall with a full load.”

The French register gives the owner as  Alain Lafon

6 July, 2013
Fleurac (24)
Civil / Military:

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