PRISM Releases Enhanced FRAT for Helicopter Air Ambulance Operators

PRISM Releases Enhanced FRAT for Helicopter Air Ambulance Operators

23-Sep-2014 Source: Argus

Professional Resources In System Management, LLC (PRISM) is pleased to release the enhanced features for its online Flight Risk Analysis Tool (FRAT) to align with the forthcoming FAA regulations for Helicopter Air Ambulance (HAA) Operators.

The following is a list of those items being implemented ahead of the regulation taking affect:

A method for documenting the highest obstacle along the planned route of flight. (§ 135.615 VFR flight planning)

A method for documenting whether another helicopter air ambulance operator has refused or rejected a flight request. (§ 135.617 Pre-flight risk analysis)

A method for documenting approval of the certificate holder’s management personnel to release a flight when a risk exceeds a level predetermined by the certificate holder. (§ 135.617 Pre-flight risk analysis)

An e-signature function for the pilot in command to sign the preflight risk analysis worksheet and specify the date and time it was completed. (§ 135.617 Pre-flight risk analysis)

An e-signature function for the OCC to acknowledge in writing, specifying the date and time, that the preflight risk analysis worksheet has been accurately completed and that, according to their professional judgment, the flight can be conducted safely. (§ 135.619 Operations control centers)

A method for documenting that medical personnel have been briefed. (§ 135.621 Briefing of medical personnel)

A specific section for evaluating Human Factors related risks. (§ 135.617 Pre-flight risk analysis)

A specific section for evaluating weather related risks. (§ 135.617 Pre-flight risk analysis)

Included a 90 day retention statement reminder on report. (§ 135.617 Pre-flight risk analysis).

“We are very glad to be able to provide these valuable features as part of our integrated FRAT,” stated Chris Young, VP of Helicopter Aviation Services at PRISM. “Enabling operators to begin using this new format will help to facilitate compliance before the deadline as well as fine tune the tool to ensure functionality within the operation.”


PRISM is a wholly owned subsidiary of ARGUS International, Inc. PRISM is an industry-leading provider of advanced Safety Management Systems (SMS) solutions.

ARGUS International, Inc. (ARGUS) is a specialized aviation services company whose mission is to provide the aviation marketplace with data and information necessary to make informed decisions and manage risk. ARGUS provides world-class aviation software and business management solutions, including revolutionary new AVMOSYS business management software, TRAQPak, CHEQ, and ARMOR SMS. ARGUS Charter operator ratings are the most recognized and requested independent source of overall operator quality. TRAQPak provides industry leading market intelligence data and research services, as well as expert aviation consulting.

ARGUS subsidiaries include ARGUS PROS, the leading provider of on-site safety audits and PRISM, a worldwide leader in Safety Management System (SMS) and Certification services. Founded in 1995, ARGUS is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, and actively engaged around the globe.

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