Ecocopter Takes Delivery of Frasca EC135 Simulator

Ecocopter Takes Delivery of Frasca EC135 Simulator

23-Nov-2016 Source: Frasca

Frasca International, Inc. (Frasca) announced today that Ecocopter, Santiago, Chile has taken delivery of their Frasca built EC-135 Helicopter Flight Training Device (FTD) at their flight training facility located at the Eulogio Sanchez Airport in Santiago. This is the first of two Helicopter FTDs that Frasca will be providing to EcoCopter. The second device, an AS350B FTD will be installed at the same location in April of 2017.

Both devices feature FRASCA’s Simplicity™ Instructor Operator Station (IOS) and SimAssist™ – a new system that tracks a student’s proficiency in the simulator and provides automatic assistance. The FTDs will share two interchangeable visual enclosures, a  stand alone 70″ HDTV and a 220 Spherical Display system.

The EC135 FTD features VEMD (Vehicle Engine Multifunction Display) & CAD (three screens), dual Garmin GTN 650s GPS/NAV/COM and autopilot while the AS350B3e will feature a two screen VEMD, Garmin GTN 650 GPS/NAV1/COM1 avionics and a simulated mirror positioned in front of the pilot chin window allowing the pilot to see fuselage sling hook and sling load.

According to Ricardo Diaz, General Manager of Ecocopter, “We made the decision to invest in these two Frasca FTDs so that we can be the best in the business, and the only way to achieve that is by continuous training and re-training.” In addition, with this new endeavor, we are able to give South American pilots the opportunity for frequent quality localized flight training.”

The simulators will be used for IFR training, semiannual DGAC, normal and emergency procedures, mountain flight instruction, night flight instruction, off-shore, and other training based on clients requirements.

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