Paradise Helicopters under threat from neighbours

Paradise Helicopters under threat from neighbours

27-Jun-2017 Source:

The community group, Hawaii Island Coalition Malama Pono (HICoP) have sent in a contested case hearing about the approval of a parking permit for Paradise Helicopters at Hilo International Airport. Paradise Helicopters has had to request a parking permit due to the airport wanting to construct an access road through one of Paradise’s parking spots (Pad 1). They suggested applying for Pad 11 to make up for the lost spot.

The community however, are arguing against the helicopter tours. They are complaining about noise pollution and their “quality of life.” They want the helicopters to fly over the sea, rather than inland. In order for Paradise Helicopters to do that, they would have to have twin engine helicopters or flotation equipment, as the FAA requires all helicopters that fly over sea to be able to coast to land if the engine should fail.  Some operators may not be able to afford this purchase and may go out of business, putting 100 families out of work, reports Hawaii Tribune Herald.

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