Helicopter-Transport-Services Accidents

18-Aug-14 N720HT Sikorsky S64E Lindsay Lake, Canada

The helicopter was slinging a hydro tower into position. After positioning the tower, the ground crew secured two of the support cables to their foundations. The pole was then shifted to accommodate securing of the remaining two support cables. As the two secured cables became taut, the pilot felt a bump and the helicopter became... Read more

12-May-13 C-GAHZ Bell 212 Dewar Lakes, Canada

On landing, the helicopter encountered whiteout conditions, and after touchdown, the helicopter rolled over. Two of the three passengers suffered minor injuries. The pilot and other passenger were not injured. The helicopter was destroyed.  On contract to Canada’s Dept of National Defence.  CADORS 2013C1810... Read more

7-Apr-09 N719HT Sikorsky CH-54 Corvallis, US-Oregon

7-Apr-09 N719HT Sikorsky CH-54 Corvallis, US-Oregon... Read more

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