A Message from Matt Zuccaro about GI Benefits

A Message from Matt Zuccaro about GI Benefits

10-Jun-2015Source: HAI

The GI bill was there for me after my service in Vietnam. Now HAI is committed to making sure it’s there to meet the needs of today’s veterans. Right now, there’s a bill pending in Congress (H.R. 475) that includes language to severely restrict the amount of money the Veterans Administration (VA) will pay for... Read more

HAI fights to preserve veteran benefits

HAI fights to preserve veteran benefits

20-May-2015Source: HAI

On Monday, May 18, HAI and six other aviation associations sent a strongly worded letter to the chairman and ranking member of the House Committee of Veterans Affairs, urging their committee to reject a bill (H.R. 476) that would impose a detrimentally low cap on Veterans Administration (VA) funding for college flight training degree programs... Read more

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