Thames Valley & Chiltern Air Ambulance extends winter flying hours

Thames Valley & Chiltern Air Ambulance extends winter flying hours

23-Dec-2010 Source: TVACAA

Thanks to the generosity of its supporters the Thames Valley & Chiltern Air Ambulance (TVACAA), which serves Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire (BOB), was able to fly an extended 12 hour day for the period 5 July 2010 to 22 November 2010 and will continue to run a 10 hour day during the winter months.

The Air Ambulance which traditionally operated for 10 hours during British summertime and 8 hours in the winter was tasked to an additional 66 emergency medical or inter-hospital transfers during the initial extension period, which has no doubt resulted in a positive outcome for a number of patients that the Air Ambulance previously would not have been able to assist.

Pat Conafray, Head of Fundraising at TVACAA, said: “We are so pleased that the extended hours have benefited the residents and visitors of BOB.  We are working hard at the Charity to ensure that we can continue to provide the extended hours throughout 2011 and onwards.

“We are of course extremely grateful to all our supporters, without whom we would not be able to continue operating.”

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